Wednesday 9 July 2008

The Sete Blog

While this is our second blog in Sete (infact second today spoiling you guys arent we?!) we forgot to mention sete last time really, getting engrossed in Paris talk, so thought we'd do another one. last time we forgot to mention scott hitting on the 40 year old tennis player
probably because it never happened and Dani's makin g the whokle thing up. I so am not it was very funny... he was whistling at her There was no whistling, only clapping and only when she played a good shot, i simply appreciate good sport. it was very funny anyway, certainly a blogworthy moment!! Anyway, this is the Sete blog and we're yet to mention the place, so in Sete we have been... watching water jousting! only little kiddies doing it, it looked fun though and now i really want to try it, or atleast watch real adult jousting. yes me and scott are thinking of forming a water jousting team once we return, our home ground being the tone next to debenhams. Anyone interested in joining or with a spare motor boat or two around then leave comment :p
we have a really great picture of the water jousting, the little kid is flying through the air! My expert photography I might add, and when we get round to taking a camera to an internet cafe will add that pic to this blog, and various other pics to various other blogs, but that may turn out to be when we get home with Dani and my combined organisational skills. shhh theyre going to bring up the tent incident if you mention organisation!! Lol, and for any worried parents we have got much better for Europe than Glasto, we remembered a tent, and we havn't lost anything yet (that i've noticed at least). went to the beach yesterday, the water was freeeezing right scott?! "Oooh it touched my willy!" Well i was walking into the sea and suddenly cold sea water got high enough to make my willy not just my legs cold, so shush. then he nearly DROWNED ME!!! well thats an exaggeration but he did push me in. You splashed me first, and tried to push me in, stop trying to make me look like the bad guy! oh hes not the bad guy... i made him get up at 5am and come to the toilet with me coz it was scary and dark :p after a political and philosphical discussion until 2am thats no mean feat!!
Right, I think time to go, we need to go find a restaurant for dinner, celebrating our half anniversary (hence the song of the moment).
Lots of Love, and until next blog goodbye,
Scott and Dani

Song of the Moment; Love is the Only Feeling