Tuesday 5 August 2008

"From Paris to Berlin, in every disco we get in..." (so close and still in one piece)

So our interrail ticket runs out in all of 11 hours and we´re just about to leave our penultimate stop, Berlin, which btw has been amazing. Before we tell you about that though I have a slight complaint. I know we´re nearly finished, and you guys have pretty much decided we´re on the home straight, and its plain sailing from here, but there´s no need to totally stop caring about us, so a little more appreciation for this blog than the last (show via well thought out and interesting comments) would be great.
scott has checked the blog for comments every day and has come off the internet saying sadly "no comments :(" you guys should be ashamed of yourselves!
Anyway, moving on from that sad note, Berlin has been awesome. yesterday we went to an... interesting museum, which would have been great except for the fact that it was written entirely in german and russian. i guess we should have realised from the name "german-russian museum" huh?! And they really didn´t like tourists foreigners (ie not German/Russians) being there - we were getting evils from the people running it the whole time, and the book we got in English said they didn´t have English titles due to a lack of space. To be honest from what i seen there was plenty of space available for a bit of english shoved on the side, i mean movable plaques or something at the very least! then they could just have got them out from their shameful positions on the side when they had english visitors and no one would have needed to know there was english there!! In short, the English were allowed in, but no welcomed.
On a brighter note, the other museum and the tour we did were both awesome. The tour covered all the major sites in Berlin, checkpoint charlie and one of the last sections of the Berlin Wall, the Brandenburg Gate, the Jewish Quarter and Museum Island. Along with lots of cool stories about the History of Germany (its formation, how WWI started, how it lead to WWII and then the divide of Berlin and eventual fall of the Berlin wall). I learnt more than I have in years of History lessons. It really put the stuff in other countries into context, since for obvious reasons Berlin is at the centre of European History over the last 100 years. Its where world history was changed forever with two words - "effective immediatly"! (ask when we get home)
The other museum was the "Museum of everyday life in the DDR" Deutchland Democratic Republic - not as Democratic as it sounds, it was the name of Communist, Dictatorship east Germany! ok so gotta be quick coz we have a train to catch, but yeah this museum was awesome. its really interactive so they have a wardrobe of clothes that were available for east germans at that time which you could try on. Dont ask to see pictures when we get home, theyre never leaving my pc. but more on that when we get home. we must be off now folks, we will blog again before we see you again. Yes must rush, we have a train to catch - that if we miss leaves us far from our flight home (127€ each to be precise) and that we havn´t technically booked as such. So may be an idea to get there in plenty of time. :p
lots of love dani and scott xxx

Song of the Moment (by popular demand, but we'd already thought of it anyway) : Infernal - From Paris to Berlin

1 comment:

Mum (Scott's) said...

Sorry - our comments seem so boring after all the excitment of your blogs.
Whilst I am really looking forward to seeing you again and have missed you loads, I feel really sad for you that its nearly over. It has gone by so quickly.
Scott - I can't believe all the interest you're showing in history - I don't know how long I've been trying to convince you of the relevance of recent history to current and future political life wioth no success!! Mr Bisson will be thrilled!
Did you know that there is a lady from Copenhagen who came to stay with us when you were 6 months old. She was 16 then, so now she'd be 34. I stayed with her family when I was pregnant with you - so Scott you have been to Copenhagen before! I couldn't tell you where to find them now - shame, it would have been fun. I suggest you ask every 34 year old dark curly haired lady you see if she has ever been to Taunton!
If I don't talk to you before I will see you in Stansted airport in about 5 days.