Tuesday 15 July 2008

"Its four in the morning and I'm eating Ice Cream - I'm Wild"

The Italy Blog
We did eventually get out of Sete (lovely though it is it was time to leave). We took a train from;
Sete to Montpilliar (which may possibly have been the train we were meant to take if we wanted to go to Geneva instead of Italy)
Montpilliar to Avignon (whcih in would have been the final stop of the first train had we just stayed there)
Avignon to Marseille
Marseille to Nice
Nice to Monaco (just one stop along - but we thought Monaco would be a fun place to stay the night! - this is where we got Dani's slightly random quote)
And the next morning Monaco to Ventmiglia
Ventmiglia to Genoa
Genoa to Rome ("A Long Way to Roam")
A rather long way round but all the more fun for it. Got some kip in the only place we could afford to sleep in Monacco - the bench outside the train station - then wondered round the race track from like 2.00 till 5.00 in the morning (with ice cream).
Anyway got to Rome at like 16.00, and found a B&B near the train station. it wasnt a b and b it was very posh, complete with bidet and mini fridge a-woah!
Then we went and drank a litre of wine (and food of course) in a restaurant with a very cool waiter, who by the end of the evening gave us free tea and said to "take care!". I'd like to point out that when Dani says "we drank a litre of wine" what that translates to is "I drank three quaters of a litre of wine, I think Scott might have had a glass as well". no one will believe that they all know what an alcky you are! :p
The next day I went to the Colloseum with a slightly hung over Dani in tow! :p Thats so not true, i may have had a slight head ache but i wasnt "in tow"! we've just realised that we are in a hotel and internet cafe somewhere in china town naples, the keyboard keeps trying to type in chinese! The colloseum was pretty awesome although we were slightly worried about a "photo shoot" that seemed to be going on on one of the lying down pillars ! roman forum on the same day, it certainly needs some basic maintainance! i thought it was a bit run down if you ask me! It did however make me want to see the Forum in Pompeii which I've heard is in slightly more one piece. went to the catacombes the next day, i wonder if after the christians had buried 150000 bodies and none of them had mysteriously sprung into action again they might have started to disbelieve the idea of a bodily ressurrection?!?!?! we also thought it would be very funny (if a little disrespectful) to have someone swaddled in cloths and hiding in one of the shelf tomb things, jumping out on unsuspecting visitors as they passed. Catacoombes were rather cool and the guide we had was awesome, told us about varios martryrs and popes etc. who been burried (and in one case even killed) down there. More then anything it was a great place to visit because it was underground and shady and really cool out of the hot Roman sun (btw hows the weather at home). Dani says to tell you its 19 degrees in our room with air con on! Anyway, after this made a move for the Vatican, saw a few dead popes, thought we saw the real one aswell, but I don't think he's in Italy, and then got invited into the Holy See, but couldn't figure out who we wanted to see (thought saying the pope would be pushing our luck a bit so stuttered then gave up).
Anyway, that was Rome, have now moved onto Naples (with a rather more simple train journey than the ones we've had before) and spent our time in a streetside cafe for a few hours, one of the holidays more productive and cultural moments I feel. tomorrow we're going up to Bolzano a city in the dolomites, staying on the seiseralm which is a big alpine flat thing with lots of cows and trees. there is also a very old frozen man, scott says its thousands of years old i think its more like 600, but anyway, its very old and we're going to see that/him! The poor sod fell into a cravas in a Glacier and was frozen to death about 2000 years ago, a few years ago he popped out the end and became a tourist attraction, but it should be interesting to see. like the 600 year old popes body we saw yesterday, that was a bit.. yukky. I found it quite interesting, loads of them where only Pope for like 22 days, 33 days, etc. in the 1500's, can't be a job people where fighting to take can it! have sorted out a route for the rest now, so we hopefully will be able to not get lost again :p
To be fair we had a route planned last time it just didn't go quite to plan, but the new route for anyone interested goes roughly into the eastern block and then out again (Dani wants to save the rest as a suprise for our faithful readers so watch this space - also this way you don't get to see our total inability to stick to a plan, whatever we do next it was our plan all along!)
lots of love to you all Dani and Scott xxxxx


Mum (Scott's) said...

Wikkipidia 9or some other equally informative website) says the old guy in the glazier is 5300 years old!

James said...

No song of the moment? Tut tut. Choose a 'Shoot the Moon' song. I suggest 'hope they're happy'. Just got back from South Africa. Had an awesome time. James

Mum (Scott's) said...

Sorry but it wasn't the real Pope you saw - he's in Australia.

dani-mummy said...
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dani-mummy said...

Hi Guys - yes why no song? back to o sole mio again? the runaway train went down the track? she'll be comin round the mountain[dolomites] ? hm.
Well after the terrible shock of finding the pups had eaten a guests highly expensive sandals (I have posted a pic of the shoes that the puppies chewed Dani - discovered I can blog from my moby will put a chewed one up too later) - I'm emailing the Knightsbridge shop in the hope they still stock them!lol and yikes..
Your trip sounds awesome - Callum says that was him dressed as the pope. He is looking forward to his birthday present which he said you have posted(surely not more sausage? we attempted to have a full day when sausage was not mentioned. this is a mission which is still in progress.

It was lovely to speak to you last night I hope scott allowed you to come out from under the bed and that you did not get evicted from the hotel due to the smoke from his burning pasta dish. I'm fairly sure your not meant to cook in hotel rooms and definately not throw hot water out the windows victorian toilet syle.

Keep having fun everythings good here .. except the weather. and look out for cal master of disguise he says he may turn up somewhere else unexpectedly so pay attention.. that goat you see grazing at the side of the road .. the old woman begging at the side of the road. Any of these might be him he says. lol! X