Thursday 3 July 2008

"Is Paris the Capital of France?"

Yes Dear. Since getting to Paris Dani's been learning alot about the city; the above being my favorite example.
I also lost my train ticket. It did turn up a few hour later.... in my pants! Out of interest we questionned how it could have gotten there... no plausible explanation has yet been found but all suggestions are welcome...
We flew with easy jet, so it was delayed! But we did eventually get here only an hour late, and in the rain!
First day down and neither of us are yet lost, (aside from the brief moment in the louvre!) dead or hungry so it can only be a success! In fact we are off to the eiffle tower in a mo with a breadstick and some cheese :)

I have to briefly interupt here to tell you Dani may be lying a little. We started our day yesterday (after pitching tent etc.) by heading into Paris and getting totally lost in the Latin Quater (although I did find the bar i went to last time i was in Paris) [if you go into every bar youre going to find it arent you?!- Dani] (for the record i went into no bars - Scott). [he did - and he discovered a brothel within about 5minutes of being here!!!] Anyway, after getting lost in the Latin quarter we went to the Louvre (on the way Dani lost here RER ticket for the next 5 days), the fun part of which was at 9.30 when we were in some African Sculpture wing at closing time with us, no other visitors and about half a dozen security guards. Dani says I should mention the funny willies, the were also quite cool sculptures with skulls etc. After this we walked down throgh that famous parc (we were really hungry so we stopped for dinner at some restaurant) then to the Arc de Triomphe. So we were hungry and lost, but not yet dead atleast.
I should point out here that this keyboard is french and therefore extremely hard to type wtih, not i mean just because its french but because all the letters are in the wrong plqces. Its my turn to type and I cant think of anything else we've done... love to you all back home, bet you're all missing us already ;)
We're off to get lost in the Latin Quqter again (they had a shop selling cheese for lunch and another one selling veg to cook tonight).
Over and out folks.... lots of love Dani and Scott xxxxx

Song of the moment; Living on a Prayer


stuart berry said...

Hi Dani

Get Scott to buy you a chilled bottle of the Chablis he had at my expense last time we were in Paris.
Song of the day could also be lost in France by Bonnie Tyler!

benoffee said...

go to montparnasse - it's absolutely beautiful in that part of paris!!

it's where most of amelie was filmed...

Mum (Scott's) said...

Course we're missing you, but glad you're having fun. James has brought 2 friends home from school, so it almost makes up for the noise Scott would have made had he been here!
Love you both

hero said...

hey scott and dani, hope you are having a wonderful time, but firstly WHY DID YOU FLY TO PARIS?! THERE IS A TUNNEL BUILT SPECIALLY FOR THESE THINGS! SCOTT, WHAT KIND OF ECO HIPPY ARE YOU? anyway james says i have to be nice now, so actually im very jealous, wish i was in paris wandering around the Louvre! sounds like your having a fanatstic time. james says hello, and his other contribution is as follows: willy willy willy! in a rich mans world! i think its a clever, yet subtle reference to the 'funny willies' you saw. LOL he just woke up so isnt making any sense. lots of love, keep on having lovely travels, hero xxxx

Mum (Scott's) said...

You probably know this but Dave says there's a night train which goes to Montpelier and then you cange for Sete. Its a slow train so you can spend night on board (and save your pennies) but don't know if you can get one that leaves after midnight so you can make best use of your ticket - I'm sure you'll work it out. XX

Mum (Scott's) said...

Hey - You probably already know this but Dave says there's a slow night train which goes to Montpelier and then you can change for Sete. It goes slow so you can spend the night on board and save your pennies. Don't know if there's one that leaves after midnight though if you're trying to get the best out of your ticket - you'll work it out. XX

Mum (Scott's) said...

The first time I posted the last comment it told me I was Emma, which obviously I'm not, so that's why you got it twice - this is all new technology to me!

dani-mummy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
dani-mummy said...

ps Callum says hi he has got a present for you from Germany which he promises me is not the giant german sausage he brought home lol. X

dani-mummy said...

Earworm of the yester/day from home :Since you've been gone:Rainbow. no not zippy rainbow dani.
Hi Kids only just got home from Bristol Airport you know I don't drive very fast ... I will say thees only once .. go to the chateau on the plateau lol. Suggestions from Reine which will be more sensible as she is well, French ---
Hi Dani having fun lovie?so please i recommend you to visit Montmartre is very frenchy is quite good for your knowledge ,St michel(notre dame)tube station, is like their covent garden,place etoile Charles de gaule has an amazing monument to see even bigger than arc de triomphe but modern : ) xxxx Reine

tess n dave said...

Hi Scott and Dani

Glad to here your having such fun, brings back memories of our time in paris. Hope you enjoy the boat and sete. The veiw from the top of mont st clair is great and try to watch some water jousting.
Enjoy every minute and take care.
Dave and Tess

ps love the song of the moment idea.

benoffee said...

omg sorry - i meant montmartre, not montparnasse!! montparnasse is a famous art district further from the city centre, i stayed there a while back... sorry! hope you're having fun.

dani-mummy said...

Earworm from homeo: Blink 182 I miss you ..

I was thinking we need one of those Harry Potter maps which you guys appear on and we can follow your progress as you move around..

I dressed your corgi in your clothes today Dani and tried to discuss aspects of philosophy with him. It wasn't the same.

: ) not really. (his arguments were better structured..) hope your having loads of fun! XXxXxXX mums.