Tuesday 22 July 2008


we have actually discovered that ljubljana is actually pronounced lubliana, the woman in the train station was most confused when we requested tickets! we went to see the ice man yesterday (he was very well preserved *giggle*) (Dani finds it funy that his willy hadn't rotted and was still very much intact).
there was loads of really interesting stuff about him, they know that the last meal he ate was seeds and deer meat, that his eyes were blue and he was probably about 46 when he died which was very old for a copper age bloke. He was 5ft 2 - 5ft 4 depending on what part of the museum you believe and he had siye 5 feet. He died a violent death, killed by another copper aged bloke, not suprising he lost the fight really, short ass. lol, they still have his hat, its perfectly preserved with all the straps intact and everything, we found it very funny that his clothes (and bag) are in better condition after 5300 years frozen than ours will be after 6 weeks round europe. one of the small bags is almost in 2 pieces now, we have decided to store all our valubles in it as we think no theif would think we're stupid enough to store our stuff in something thats falling apart, plus it looks very much like a hobo bag. plus we can see them through the bag and check theyre not being stolen! More to the point if our valuable were in a bag in one piece we'de have to watch one bag to make sure it didn't break and one for the valuables, eggs in one basket is the much better solution, even if the basket is breaking.
we spent last night in salzburg train station, drinking wine in sleeping bags on the floor with a thermarest and broken bags, scott hasnt washed in 4 days could we look much more hoboish? To be fair to go against the Hobo image the wine we were drinking was a very nice Pino Grigio, and the fact that we bought it at a place that sells wine from the vat, by the litre, which we used to fill a plastic water bottle is irrelevant!
we walked up the seiseralm before we left bolzano, scott will tell you about the serious stuff about it, all i care about is that we saw cows WITH BELLS!!!!!
And we walked up the big peak in the centre of the seiseralm, called Panorama, seriously cool view (2011 meters, we walked from the top of the cable car, don't know how high that was). And by the time we got to the top we we're both starved, but had no money for lunch if we planned on paying for our campsite (which the guy had already reduced to 20 euros a night from 28 for us). ironically tho we kept the money back coz we thought he wouldnt accept travellers cheques, he did in the end! Dani was very upset that we both starved for a day for no good reason (we shared one coissant for lunch, and a couple of biscuits, after a days hard walking up a big ass hill, then had to walk down again, and had to walk not only to the top of the cable car but to the bottom (about 2 hrs, 7/8/9K) because we couldn't afford the cable car return, only one way.
scott doesnt mention that for the last half of our journey down the mountain it was torrential rain! neither of our shoes are dry yet. we have noticed that rain seems to follow us wherever we go. we have only been to one place where it hasnt rained so far, and thats coz we were only there for 1 night! It also didn't rain in Monacco which was atleast 4 hours we were there. Lol, we arrived in ljubljana this morning to the beautiful sight of.... rain!
Back to the hill though it was absolutely torrential rain, anyone who was on the Gold D of E final with me, only marginally better than that, and we had a cheap mac each and that was it for rain gear (it was really sunny when we left). Plus we had to walk down the mountain with no map, so it was a case of, go down hill and hope we come across a town we recognise (sies) or our campsite at some point.
i was only wearing a skirt! it was very cold! still we got through by singing if you're happy and you know it clap your hands, i dont think ive ever invented so many verses! (if your happy and you know it say "I'm wet"/say "I'm cold"/say "We're nearly home"/wave to the car/pretend you're a train/poke Dani etc.
Anyway, we are now in Ljubjub, and since we both are wearing all our clean cloths (and after a night on the train the term clean is used loosely) we'd best go do some washing.

Sorry for no song of the moment last time, forgot/couldn't think of one, but this blog;
Song of the Moment; "Always take the weather" - i think its by travis im not sure. scott wants why does it always rain on me coz he thinks its about rainbows. Dani thinks its too sad, but a song that has the line "Why does it always rain on me, even when the sun is shinning..." must be about rainbows and is therefore happy, and appropriate to our wet situation!
Oh, and can we have a vote for which people think is the better song (because I'm clearly right :p) but always take the weather is appropriate because a) we're english and b) whats the weather like guys?! also because its more happy. (More happy than a song about rainbows, hmmm, not so sure). its not even ABOUT rainbows! the rain is a metaphor for his depression not literal rain. Thats much to deep and boring, mines more fun and therefore more right, and also is simpler, Occams Razor. scott has spelt that wrong but im not telling him how to spell it coz then he will (falsley or not) be invoking the power of the wonderful oc***m. See the below the belt tactics of my opponent, that is enough reason in itself to vote for me. Anyway, we'd best take our couples squable/election campaign to the laundrette :p hehe, love to you all, VOTE "RAIN ON ME",
(dont - look up o****ms razor, it doesnt work anyway, plus the song is just rubbish)
Scott and Dani (big love) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


Mum (Scott's) said...

Scott - please wash - I like Dani and don't want her dumping you just cos you smell!
Sorry about the weather, but sounds like you're having fab fun. Just so that readers aren't too worried about your financial state, you should clarify that the only reason you were so broke in Bolzano is that you can't cash travellers cheques there.
I haven't been in to OB yet to moan about the bags, but will do so later this week.
Have fun.
Afraid I can't decide which song to vote for, I like them both, so as usual I'm going for the middle line. Good job for you Scott though that its not been 'Raining Men'!
Love you both

Scott and Dani said...

Even worse - he has decided to grow a beard now!! Although he did wash yesterday, he is refusing to shave until copenhagen!!

dani-mummy said...

I think this is the funniest thing I've ever read. Callum got an air rifle today and much to the shock of everyone including the game keeper and store owner, shot a rabbit in the head immediately. Possibly mixy. Hmm. They having told him that he would use the 'first pack of pellets getting used to the gun, and the next 500 developing an accurate shot'. He is verily pleased. Not a vegetarian delight granted, him and little joe have had a whale of a time, as has fraser who ate the rabbit with glee. not so much a home blog as a bleurg. How about Midnight Cowboy 4ur song, I'm going where the sun keeps shining, going where the weather suits my clo oo othes" (somewhere a bit mucky and tatty then??) xx love you lots xx is hot and sunny here so huh, we may not be cultural but we got er, rabbit for lunch and we're dry... : )- and no sleeping in dodgy places! honestly what r u like. big hugs.

dani-mummy said...

Here we are a song that fulfils all ur requirements: Jockams razorlight: Who needs love?
oooh darling who needs love who needs a heaven up above who needs the clouds in the sky not i oooh darling who needs the rain who needs somebody that can feel your pain

and so on. Sorted. Argument over and that will be £40 for the counselling session pls. TYvmuch.