Tuesday 1 July 2008

To whom it may concern,

It is with regret and great excitement that we (Dani and I) must inform the world that we are, to all intensive purposes, unavalible for the next six weeks. As you will know if you have been talking to us recently we are soon to be on a one way flight to Paris (and later a one way flight home from Copenhagen). We will be "bumming around" Continental Europe for the six weeks between these flights (more commonly known as interrailing - well occasionally known as interrailing). This is a blog set up to let anyone who may be interested know whats happening in Europe, with particular reference to our travels. We'll update it as often as we can find the internet and can be bothered. This post is written by me (Scott) since Dani is otherwise engaged, but there will be posts from me, her, and even join posts as we go around. In short, the "whom it may concern" is anyone with interest in our travels, and the message is "watch this space".
Don't ruin England too much while we're away,


Song of the moment: John Denver - Leaving on a Jet Plane


benoffee said...

liking the 'song of the moment' feature!

have an amazing time!!

stuart berry said...

Hi U 2

thought i would really surprise u and leave a message!! took hours to work this out. anyway be careful in Paris & watch out for pickpockets they distract people by flashing their boobs & then nick your wallet!!Scott look after Dani! Like the song of the day idea


tess n dave said...

hi this is Jordi (ur/scott's cousin!) and Lauren (my friend!!!) good luck! have fun! dont die! try not to get drunk too often!!! aurevior (or however u spell it!!!)